Basic Text Tools
Add Prefix/Suffix into Line
Male Female Keywords
Add / Remove Line Breaks
Count Characters, Words, Sentences, Lines
Delimited Column Extractor
Find and Replace Text
Letter Case Converter
Merge Text (Line by Line)
Remove Duplicate Lines
Remove Empty Lines
Remove Extra Spaces
Remove Letter Accents
Remove Lines Containing...
Sort Text Lines
URL List Cleaner - Trim to root
Format Tools
ASCII to Unicode Converter
Obfuscation Tools
Binary Code Translator
Disemvowel Tool
Encryption Generator
Reverse Text Generator
ROT13 Caesar Cipher
Word Scrambler / Descrambler
Combination Permutation Tools
Combination Generator
Line Combination Generator
Permutation Generator
Numeration Tools
Generate List of Sequential Numbers
Number Each Line
Online Tally Counter
Tool: Find and Replace Text
Find this:
Enable regular expression.
Replace with:
Global matching.
Case sensitive.
Enter your text to be found and replaced here. Enter text to be searched for in the "Find this:" text box above. Enter replacement text in the "Replace with:" text box above. Check "Global matching." to replace all matches. Otherwise, only the first match will be replaced. Check "Case sensitive." to make "Find this:" case sensitive. Check "Enable regular expression" to enable regular expressions* in both find and replace fields. *Regular expressions are user defined "find and replace" patterns such as find a or b to replace with c. Note: For files too large to successfully load into this text field, use the "Big File Tool" link below. Privacy of Data: This tool is built-with and functions-in Client Side JavaScripting, so only your computer will see or process your data input/output.
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